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Total: 16592
Online: 18


Attention! For playing on hat you need to install new game client (3.5 dated 02.11.20), which you can find in section Files.
If after auto-update you can't enter into game, download patch from this link.
If you experience problems with cursor and game lags, then download and unpack into game root folder DDwrapper and set Windows XP SP3 compatibiliy for allods2.exe.

Allods2.eu → Files


I. Rage of Mages Client, patch
Name Description Size Date
Game Client (version 3.5) Author: Nival Interactive. Rage of Mages 2 version with all resources but without music and videos. Contains recent version of the on-line patch. 78.8 MB 02.11.20
DDwrapper Removes problems with cursor and client lags on Windows 7 and higher, increases FPS. This utility should be extracted in game folder and run allods2.exe in Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode.
Attention! Utility is not compatible with Map editor 3.0.
11.5 KB 08.06.15
Map editor (version 3.0) Enhanced map editor for Allods2.eu.
This archive is to be extracted into a directory that already contains installed game client, after which rom2me.exe is used to launch the editor.
625.9 KB 07.02.15
Map editor (version 3.2) Enhanced map editor for Allods2.eu.
This archive is to be extracted into a directory that already contains installed game client, after which rom2me.exe is used to launch the editor.
This experimental editor version only works in 32-bit video mode!
627.8 KB 31.10.19
ROM2FontFix.exe Patch application that will allow game to display Russian letters.
With this patch you can see Russian messages in the English version of the game.
Probably, you should install a Cyrillic font.
17.6 KB 24.08.09
Rage of Mages 2 music for new client Rage of Mages 2 music. Extract to game root directory. 118.3 MB 02.06.15

II. Useful utilities
Name Description Size Author(s)
RES Nival's original console utility to work with RoM I and II resource files. This enhanced version automatically creates new directory for extraction and doesn't ask before creating subdirectories. 166.8 KB Nival, ZZYZX
REG Textmode utility for editing .REG files (not Windows ones, but RoM2 file format that's used to describe certain AI settings as well as various ingame objects' visual properties). 204 KB ZZYZX
Advanced Map Editing Tools (AMET) Tools for editing maps. 354.3 KB -Vampire-
A2local This utility will convert server characters to local ones. 9.3 KB -Vampire-
Extr_map This program allows you to extract single-player missions from Rage of Mages and Rage of Mages II. 25.5 KB -Vampire-
Maplevel Use this to change level of all monsters at one time. 30.9 KB -Vampire-
Rom2me Map Editor v.1.76c+, modification of standard map editor for Rage of Mages 2. 984.6 KB -Vampire-
MapEditorFix This patch fixes several errors in map editor v1.76c+. 14.4 KB FireFlyPower
Etherlords_music Music themes collection from Etherlords in Rage of Mages format. 124.1 MB -Vampire-
FixMapLevel Changes map level. 57.9 KB FireFlyPower
Allods Reg Edit v1.01n Allows to configure game before playing. 196.5 KB NetImperia
BMPto256 Utility to convert .256 files into BMP and back. 40 KB -Vampire-
Utilities pack to work with A2 graphics Converts all known A2 graphics formats into PNG and back. 513 KB exc!ton
Databin2XML Converts data.bin into XML and back. 184 KB exc!ton
Itemname2XML Converts A2 items resources into XML and back. 965 KB exc!ton

III. Graphic mods
Name Description Size Author(s)
Rage of Mages 2. Graphic mod. Version 1.2. Changes interface, monsters, plants. 5-lvl monsters are highlited 7.5 MB -Vampire-
A25NY v 1.0 (New Year) New Year mod, release 1.0. Adds christmas hats to all units in the info window 2.6 MB TOMAT
MOD3Y v 1.0 (Holiday) Holiday mod. Release 1.0 162.4 KB TOMAT

IV. Wallpapers
Rage of Mages I
Rage of Mages II

V. Allods2.eu Maps
Name Size Date
All maps 9.8 MB 13.01.2025 07:41
Maps for PvM server 2.0 MB 13.01.2025 07:41
Maps for "Easy" servers 967.4 KB 13.01.2025 07:41
Maps for "Easy-quest" servers 355.2 KB 13.01.2025 07:41
Maps for "Medium" servers 1.5 MB 13.01.2025 07:41
Maps for "Medium-quest" servers 194.7 KB 13.01.2025 07:41
Maps for "Hard" servers 1.4 MB 13.01.2025 07:41
Maps for "Hard-quest" servers 636.6 KB 13.01.2025 07:41
Maps for "Horror!" servers 2.5 MB 13.01.2025 07:41
Maps for "Horror-quest!" servers 1.0 MB 13.01.2025 07:41
Maps for "Arena" servers 8.7 KB 13.01.2025 07:41

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On-line events

01.01.2025 00:00:48

Happy New Year!

Bene sit tibi
Bene sit tibi
30.11.2024 11:35:00

Changes as of November 29 2024
Added Steel and Hunter sets

Bene sit tibi
Bene sit tibi
30.10.2024 22:49:12

02.11 at 21:00 Moscow time there will be a tournament

Cleaning Easy Quest

To participate, you must create a new character, prizes are guaranteed:
300 points - for worthy participation
750 points - for complete completion of the map

Bene sit tibi
Bene sit tibi
09.09.2024 21:20:13

Changes as of September 8, 2024
Added maps That is All (vampire earth set) on PvP and Legend of Kyrandia (cuirass body+4) on PvP and PvE

26.07.2024 20:47:50

Hey guys, quick question,
i downloqded all maps on my off line client... but the special itens from quests dont drop.. any idea why?
Also, evil island is crashing my client, any idea how to help me?