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Total: 16592
Online: 18


Attention! For playing on hat you need to install new game client (3.5 dated 02.11.20), which you can find in section Files.
If after auto-update you can't enter into game, download patch from this link.
If you experience problems with cursor and game lags, then download and unpack into game root folder DDwrapper and set Windows XP SP3 compatibiliy for allods2.exe.

Allods2.euStatistics → Allods2.eu hat statistics

Allods2.eu hat statistics

Statistics by legendary and exalted items number
Place Player Amount
1 Graf Duku 196
2 saros 170
3 PiF-PaF 124
4 зося 81
5 vasja 79
6 Magnus2009 72
7 Doom 61
8 snob 58
9 Traphalet 58
10 SepurBozin 49
11 Jurazzz 48
12 Борис 48
13 Алиант 47
14 Ерохим 43
15 yyong0413 41
16 Bene sit tibi 40
17 Burn in my flame 38
18 RoMaNtIk 38
19 lasertable 37
21 DBum 34
22 Addi 29
23 зиг 28
24 cLea 27
25 4eliozz 26
26 vitvv 25
27 snick 24
28 Swin 23
29 Alpha1 23
30 Огнерод 22
31 fender 21
32 Dokius 21
33 Гусыч 20
34 Апприори 20
35 raskal 20
36 Brunhilde 19
37 cobra 19
38 Himi 18
39 Eliot 17
40 Supbro 16
41 arxa 16
42 Arkanan 15
43 Arkanous 15
44 Reza 15
45 Обреченный 14
46 serj_krsk 14
47 panmon 14
48 Yegor 14
49 Danik 13
50 bumer111 12
51 Ололоша 12
52 skylike2010 12
53 xSLAVYANIN14x 12
54 KotVSapogah 12
55 xxtandemx 12
56 Aluminatum 12
57 SadNiga 12
58 GANWIZ 11
59 Marcel 11
60 CN_Jinx 11
61 Volcom 11
62 Nata 11
63 rbhbkk 10
64 SopranOhe4mg6wp 10
65 zaseva 10
66 Neons 10
67 Борщ 10
68 CHEL74 10
69 Ильяb3ngdm3f 10
70 Mamba 10
71 Astik61tl3tn2 10
72 sinners 10
73 darkchildofblood 10
74 Urrs 10
75 bublik 10
76 Maxymilian 10
77 Kl_Rato 9
78 Vitya 9
79 $$xXx$$ 9
80 Yeguar 9
81 qwerty123456 9
82 Naprikole56 9
83 Hubris 9
84 jeyul 8
85 Riboza 8
86 alexbobs 8
87 Ультра 8
89 monkor 8
90 ALlukard 8
91 Dmitrii 8
92 zailrus 8
93 Yulenka 8
94 Starschina 8
95 ReBuS 7
96 hhhhhh 7
97 temachka 7
98 Orgas 7
99 Kimif009 7
100 Hello 7

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On-line events

01.01.2025 00:00:48

Happy New Year!

Bene sit tibi
Bene sit tibi
30.11.2024 11:35:00

Changes as of November 29 2024
Added Steel and Hunter sets

Bene sit tibi
Bene sit tibi
30.10.2024 22:49:12

02.11 at 21:00 Moscow time there will be a tournament

Cleaning Easy Quest

To participate, you must create a new character, prizes are guaranteed:
300 points - for worthy participation
750 points - for complete completion of the map

Bene sit tibi
Bene sit tibi
09.09.2024 21:20:13

Changes as of September 8, 2024
Added maps That is All (vampire earth set) on PvP and Legend of Kyrandia (cuirass body+4) on PvP and PvE

26.07.2024 20:47:50

Hey guys, quick question,
i downloqded all maps on my off line client... but the special itens from quests dont drop.. any idea why?
Also, evil island is crashing my client, any idea how to help me?