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Allods2.euBeginner's handbookArticles, useful information → Magic spells in Allods 2

Magic spells in Allods 2

Fire Element Spells

Fire Arrow


The first spell of the Fire Element class. It is cheap but not very effective.

Maximum damage in a staff: 21-43
Spell Book Cost: 1.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 100 gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 1.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 3



It's an excellent spell when fighting monsters from distance. This spell has a 2x2 square area of effect which affects not just one, but up to four targets present in that area. Very effective when dealing with bees, snakes, spirits and more.

Spell Book Cost: 250.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 1.000 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 10.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 30

Wall of Fire


A powerful spell which creates a wall of fire on a 2x5 area. It's not a cheap spell, but the efficiency rate when using it, justifies the expense. It is possible to cast it as many times as you like on the same area, hence inflicting a continous and cumulated damage upon the targets in that area.

Maximum damage in a staff: 6-10
Spell Book Cost: 1.500.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 5.000 Gold
The Cost of an Elven Scroll: 50.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 30

Protection from Fire


This will save you when facing enemies that deliver fire based attacks. The protection rate and the duration of this spell increase along with the fire skill of your character.

Spell Book Cost: 100.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 5.000 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 50.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 40

Water Element Spells

Ice Missile


The water element equivalent of Fire Arrow.

Maximum damage in a staff: 21-43
Spell Book Cost: 1.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 100 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 1.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 3

Poison Cloud


Creates a large poison cloud affecting all who foolishly get too close to the caster. When an enemy is caught in this cloud, he will continue to loose health for a period of time even when he leaves the affected area.

Maximum damage in a staff: 13
Spell Bookd Cost: 2.500.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 7.000 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 70.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 30



The best spell to use against dragons and ogres. It has a 5x5 area of effect and it quickly hits flying units.

Spell Book Cost: 5.000.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 15.000 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 150.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 100

Protection from Water


Grants the character protection from water element attacks.

Spell Book Cost: 100.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 5.000 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 50.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 40

Air Ellement Spells



When cast, a huge electric charge is unleashed on the targeted enemy.

Maximum damage in a staff: 21-43
Spell Book Cost: 1.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 100 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 1.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 10

Prismatic Spray (Rainbow lightning)


This is the big brother of the Lightning spell. It can cast up to 7 lightning rays and it affects just as many enemies, but at a huge mana cost and Gold expense.

Spell Book Cost: 15.000.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 10.000 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 100.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 80



Best defensive spell to use when trying to sneak upon an enemy and attack him by surprise. But even so, if you get too close, the enemy will detect you and attack.

Spell Book Cost: 2.500.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 80.000 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 800.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 100

Protection from Air


It grants the character protection from Air based attacks. The protection rate as well as the duration depends on the character's Air skill level.

Spell Book Cost: 100.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 5.000 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 50.000 Gold
Расход маны мага: 40

Earth Element Spells

Stone Missile


The best primary spell to start off as a mage.

Maximum damage in a staff: 21-43
Spell Book Cost: 1.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 100 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 1.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 3

Wall of Earth (Stone Wall)


A good tactical spell, mainly used for preventing the enemies to get close to the character, or to trap them in a tight area upon which the character can cast firewalls, poison clouds or other area damage spells. This spell is particulary effective on bridges and narrow passes.

Spell Book Cost: 2.000.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 10.000 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 100.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 15

Stone Curse


This spell is worth all the money. Imobilizes the enemy for a short period of time by turning him into a stone statue, thus giving the character the possibility of safely attacking and eventually killing him.

Spell Book Cost: 45.000.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 100.000 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 1.000.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 40

Protection from Earth


If you don't want your character to be turned into stone and killed, then this spell is the best defensive option.

Spell Book Cost: 100.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 10.000 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 100.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 40

Astral Element Spells



Increases the probability of the warrior to inflict the maximum damage upon enemies. In the beginning this is not very effective, as the chance is too small, but at higher Astral skill levels, when the chance becomes 100%, this turns out to be a very powerfull buff.

Spell Book Cost: 100.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 5.000 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 50.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 10



It is oftenly used by the character when the auto-cast is turned on. It increases the moving speed of the unit upon which it is being cast - can be used upon self, allies and summoned units.

Spell Book Cost: 20.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 5.000 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 50.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 10

Animated Dead


A very usefull spell, mainly used for scouting. Allows you to convert any semi-decomposed enemy corpse into a zombie, skeleton or a spirit. The level of decomposition of the corpse determines what will come out of it when this spell is cast upon it. The animated dead also carries the number of hit points of the dead monster from which has been spawned. For instance, using this spell on a level 4 Troll in the last stage of decomposition will spawn a 600 hit point Spirit who, by the way, can fly above the water and climb high mountain peaks that normally are unnaccessible for the character and monsters. The view area from these peaks is huge, and therefore the Spirits are the first-class scounts.

Spell Book Cost: 25.000.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 100.000 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 1.000.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 30



Teleports the caster at any targeted point on the ground. For the mages this is exceptionally useful, especially when having to retreat from an overwhelming situation.

Spell Book Cost: 15.000.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 50.000 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 500.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 60



Particulary effective in the early stages of the game when both solo'ing the easy maps, and when having a tank warrior in the party. At advanced stages, when the health of the character increases substantially, full healing takes longer.This spell is available from the beginning in the mage's spell book.

Spell Book Cost: n/a Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 100 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 1.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 5




The magician uses the Astral forces to summon a squirrel, a snake or a turtle which he can control. After a while, the spell wears off and the animals disappear.

Spell Book Cost: 10.000.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 30.000 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 300.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 100

Drain Life


It drains hit points from the target and adds to the life pool of the character. It's very efficient for mages in the early stages of the game when being cast from a staff. It also comes as a magic attribute in melee weapons, thus granting life to the warrior who uses it at each hit.

Maximum damage in a staff: 17-26
Spell Book Cost: 10.000 Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 100 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 1.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 20



The magician's hope of surviving in the early stages of the game. It creates an egg-shaped cloud that adds armor to the caster it is available from the beginning in the magician's spell book.

Spell Book Cost: n/a Gold
The cost of a standard Scroll: 10.000 Gold
The cost of an Elven Scroll: 100.000 Gold
Mana Cost: 10

Spells in the Scrolls

A spell scroll resembles an item which when used, it casts a specific spell. It can be used by both magicians and warriors and it disappears from the inventory after that. All the spells in the game can be found in scrolls, even those which cannot be learned from spell books (acid stream, darkness, etc). There are standard and Elven scrolls available to buy from shops, the efficieny of the spell is better on Elven ones, which are also more expensive than the standard ones.


The are 6 types of potions the character may use, the most common ones being the Health and Mana potions. These ones are available in shops in different forms, each form restoring a different amount of Life or Mana to the character. There are also Body, Agility, Mind and Spirit potions, each one increasing the respective primary stat by 1 point. These potions are not available in the shops.

Translated by Traphalet
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Bene sit tibi
09.09.2024 21:20:13

Changes as of September 8, 2024
Added maps That is All (vampire earth set) on PvP and Legend of Kyrandia (cuirass body+4) on PvP and PvE

26.07.2024 20:47:50

Hey guys, quick question,
i downloqded all maps on my off line client... but the special itens from quests dont drop.. any idea why?
Also, evil island is crashing my client, any idea how to help me?

25.03.2024 12:30:14

Hi There
I Downloaded the Client (Version 3.5), I created the Login in Cabinet, now I am trying to run the game - it says "Failed to download updade".
I tried to download the patch via Link, but its the same Client 3,5 with patch version 30.
It would be ok to play offline for me as well - can I do it ?
Could anyone help?
Help would be most appreciated.

09.07.2023 11:13:04

You should use to Create a game login for playing under your Cabinet.

02.07.2023 07:41:15

Hi, I've just installed Allods and registered, also received the verification e-mail but when I start to play after entering my nick and pw game says "invalid pw or login" or something like that. Anyone knows what cold be the problem? Tnx